Serious Game Classification

La Cité argentée (La Cité argentée, ou apprendre aux enfants à épargner) Visa - Connaissances financières pratiques (Canada), Visa (Canada), 2011 Play it Now !


G/P/S model



The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

The core of gameplay is defined by the rules below:


Besides play, this title features the following intents:
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Informative message broadcasting


This title is used by the following domains:
  • Education
  • Media
  • Advertising


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 3-7 / 8-11 / 12-16
General Public



E.S.A.R. system

Classify this game
La Cité Argentée Silver City is a Canadian game for children aged between 8 and 12 years in which we learn to save money.

Once the character is created, a goal set including:
Party at the zoo ($ 200 saving)
Pet dog ($ 300)
Air travel ($ 400)
Bowling party ($ 200)
Trip to the museum ($ 200)
Ski trip ($ 400)

The target, a budget of $ 40 is allocated to us. We finally arrive in Silver City. Then simply move the mouse cursor on the map and explore the city.

At each location we have the opportunity to spend (buying a rake, a skateboard, bike, clothes ...) or making money (mow the lawn, babysit, refuel the service station, sort library books ....) to achieve our original objective.

Distribution : Internet - Free
Platform(s) : Browser (Flash) - Macintosh - PC (Windows)
