Serious Game Classification

Levee Patroller (The Levee Inspection Simulator) Deltares & Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Casper Harteveld (Netherlands), 2006 Download it Now !


E.S.A.R. system

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The 3D environment of Levee Patroller In the Netherlands 17.500 km of levees protect the lowlands from flooding. When the stability of the levees is in threat, for example because of high water or extreme precipitation, they need more frequent or continuous inspection by trained staff.

These staff members, we call them levee patrollers, play a key role in mitigating disaster. They are the eyes and ears of the waterboards and their evaluation of levee stability is the basis for many important decisions on evacuation or strengthening measures. Because their task is so important, they need regular training. 'Training on the job' is not acceptable in these cases.

Deltares and the Delft University of Technology have, in cooperation with five Dutch waterboards (organisations responsible for levee maintenance), developed the Levee Inspection Simulator, in which levee patrollers are required to inspect realistic 3D environments of levees. Deltares makes this software available through Delft GeoSystems under the name “Levee Patroller – the Levee Inspection Simulator”.

Aim and target group:
Levee patroller is aimed at people, who are responsible for the inspection of the levees during (imminent) emergency situations and who have to report their findings to an central (field) office. Levee Patroller offers users the ability to practice levee inspection in virtual extreme circumstances. Specifically, the user learns:

- To recognise the different signals which indicate weakening of the levee (failure mechanisms);
- To report his or her findings in a correct and concise manner;
- To make a diagnosis of the situation based on the observed signals;
- To advise on measures and prevent escalation of the damage.

A simple version of this game has also been developed, to be used for conferences, museums, and other events, to raise awareness about the topic of levee inspection. This version is called 'Levee Arcader' and much like arcade-types of games it is easy, simple and fast-paced.

Distribution : Commercial - Free
Platform(s) : PC (Windows)
