Up to four players take part in a game show hosted by "Mister Quizz", a rather baffled and unorganized guy, who is accompanied by his naughty dog. The show takes place at a spooky castle, where the players have to answer three rounds of questions about history, culture, entertainment and computer games, each one located in a different room.
Players can choose an avatar form a total of eight, including a mad scientist, a mummy, a zombie, a werewolf and a black widow.
The player that answers the most quickly (and correct of course) gains points. Winning the mini-game, a spider race, adds to the score too.
The game's objective is to raise a monster in the castle's secret lab. After each round each player's score lets his or her monster grow, which of course has an catastrophic outcome!
Mister Quizz is entirely played with a set of buzzers (two of which are included in the box) that are connected to the PC's joystick port. The standard keyboard can be used as alternative input device.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)