Jump Start Spelling is an educational game that helps children ages 5-8 on spelling skills.
CJ the frog, and his sidekick Edison are exploring a prehistoric world, when suddenly a Tyrannosaurus Rex separates them after releasing a mighty roar. Edison is captured by a group of not so bright cavemen, and becomes their source of light.
Its up to you to help CJ reunite with his friend Edison. In the game your goal is to venture through the prehistoric world with the help of a tiny pterosaur named Pteri; clearing obstacles, while solving spelling challenges on rock tablets, everytime you solve one, the obstacle in the way lets you go through, and when all the tablets are solved you may advance to a new level. Before you go to the next level their is a challenge in which you have to pick a word a dinosaur is showing you that is spelled the correct way. After you finish the game you can always start it again.
The game level is controlled based on the grade you pick at the sign-in meaning Kindergarten is the easiest, and 3rd Grade being the hardest. You can also make the game harder or easier during the game at the options menu. The amount of words you spell correctly will add up to a high score at the end.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Macintosh -
PC (Windows)