The Lunar Lander game's ancestor. In this game the player enters values in order to land a Space Vehicule on the Moon. Lunar Landing Game’s gameplay consisted of a turn-based question and answer session, asking the user for the rocket fuel burn rate at each turn, which the user would then enter as a number from 0 to 200. The constraints against you were simple:
(1) After each second, the height, velocity, and remaining fuel will be reported.
(2) After the report, a ‘?’ will be typed. enter the number of units of fuel you wish to burn during the next second. each unit of fuel will slow your descent by 1 ft/sec.
(3) The maximum thrust of your engine is 30 ft/sec/sec or 30 units of fuel per second.
(4) When you contact the lunar surface, your descent engine will automatically cut off and you will be given a report of your landing speed and remaining fuel.
(5) If you run out of fuel, the ‘?’ will no longer appear, but your second by second report will continue until you contact the lunar surface.
Distribution : Open Source - FreePlatform(s) : PDP-8