Serious Game Classification


3449 Jeux

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Coca Cola Kid Coca Cola Kid
Aspect Co.
FutureU FutureU
Aspyr Media
L'Avenir de l'électricité L'Avenir de l'électricité
Association des entreprises électriques suisses
Théo et les psorianautes Théo et les psorianautes
Association France Psoriasis
Bubble Shuffle Bubble Shuffle
Astraware Limited
Bob the Builder: Bob Builds a Park Bob the Builder: Bob Builds a Park
Asylum Entertainment Ltd.
TuxMathScrabble TuxMathScrabble
Asymptopia Software
Pepsi Invaders Pepsi Invaders
Atari (Christopher Omarzu)
Basic Math Basic Math
Atari (Gary Palmer)
Action Man: Arctic Adventure Action Man: Arctic Adventure
Atari (Infogrames Europe SA)
The Bradley Trainer The Bradley Trainer
Atari (Rick Moncrief / Ed Rotberg)
Das Thera-Med Zahnschutz-Spiel Das Thera-Med Zahnschutz-Spiel
Atari Elektronik Vertriebsges, mbH / Christoph Schulte-Vennbur
Barney: On Location: All Around Town Barney: On Location: All Around Town
Atari Europe S.A.S.U.
Atari, Inc.
Loot and shoot Loot and shoot
Atmosphère pictures
D-Day Odyssey D-Day Odyssey
Cogito Cogito
Atreid Concept SA
Luka et les copains du Brésil Luka et les copains du Brésil
Audrey Helllara - Sandie Le Balch
HighCycle HighCycle
Jabbertalky Jabbertalky
Automated Simulations
Project: Space Station Project: Space Station
Avantage Software
GreenTime GreenTime
Meet the Magic Meet the Magic
Avenue Digital Media
Adventure Math: Medieval Times Adventure Math: Medieval Times
Avery Pack / Dan Froelicb
AVMA Animal Hospital Video Game AVMA Animal Hospital Video Game
AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Foundation)
Axe / Lynx (Unilever)
Dirty Rolling Dirty Rolling
Axe / Lynx (Unilever)
Winter wash 2004 Winter wash 2004
Azerty & Rudowski
Asylum 626 Asylum 626
B-Reel / Goodby, Silverstein
Hotel 626 Hotel 626
B-Reel / Goodby, Silverstein
Can You Stop It? Can You Stop It?
3D Réseaux 3D Réseaux
B2B GAMES et Persistant Studios
Yaris Yaris
Backbone Emeryville
Pettson o Findus i trädgården Pettson o Findus i trädgården
Bajoum Interactive AB
Tapper / Budweiser Tapper / Budweiser
Bally Midway
Votez pour moi Votez pour moi
Extreme Challenge Extreme Challenge
Bandai Namco / Active Life Team
Banque centrale Européenne
Top Floor – En route vers le sommet ! Top Floor – En route vers le sommet !
Banque Centrale Européenne - Eurosystème

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