Serious Game Classification
Title | Creator | Gameplay | Purpose | Market | Audience |
Jellia's Friends
Batty media
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public
Collin Lang of Knitwit Studios
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
- Entertainment
- Healthcare
- Education
- 8-11
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public
- Students
One New Message
Eloise Best
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
- 8-11
- 12-16
- 17-25
- Students
Untitled Game (Untitled Bird Game)
Jared Sain
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
Escape Your Boyfriend's Room
Jorge Goyco
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
Figure it Sprout
Quang Nguyen, David Li, Gaby Sanchez, Kitty Huang, Isaac Orozco
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
- Storytelling
- Entertainment
- Education
- Culture & Art
- 8-11
- 12-16
- 17-25
- 25-35
- General Public
- Students
A Decision of Paramount Importance
Thomas Liu
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public