Title | Support | Gameplay | Purpose | Market | Audience |
Desert Bus
3DO / PC (Dos) / PC (Windows) / Sega Master System
Video Game
- Informative message broadcasting
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public
Alice / Amiga CD32 / Amstrad GX4000 / Arcade / Atari 800 / Basketball / Browser / Commodore 16 / Commodore 64 / Game & Watch / Game Boy Micro / Game Park 32 (GP32) / Game Wave Family Entertainment System / Game.com / Gameboy (GB) / GameBoy Advance (GBA) / GameCube (NGC) / iPhone / iPod Touch / iPod Classic / Magnavox Odyssey / Mobile (BREW) / Mobile (eXeN) / Mobile (Java ME) / Neo-Geo / NES (Famicom) / Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo DS / Nintendo Switch Lite / Ordi expert / PC (Dos) / PDP-10 / PDP-8 / Racing 112 / Retron 5 / Sega Master System / Steam / TI-99/4A / Tron / TX-0 / Vectrex / Virtual Boy / Xbox One
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- Informative message broadcasting
- Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
- Subjective message broadcasting
- Training
- Goods trading
- Storytelling
- Licensed title
- Entertainment
- State & Governement
- Military & Defence
- Healthcare
- Education
- Corporate
- Religious
- Culture & Art
- Ecology
- Politics
- Humanitarian & Caritative
- Media
- Advertising
- Scientific Research
- 0-3
- 3-7
- 8-11
- 12-16
- 17-25
- 25-35
- 35-60
- 60+
- General Public
- Professionals
- Students
Amiga / Amiga CD32 / Arcade / Atari Jaguar / Atari ST / Gameboy (GB) / GameGear (GG) / Genesis (Megadrive) / PC (Dos) / Sega Master System / Super Nintendo (SNES)
Video Game
- Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
- Entertainment
- Advertising
- 12-16
- 17-25
- 25-35
- General Public
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Amiga / Amstrad CPC / Apple II / Commodore 64 / Genesis (Megadrive) / Macintosh / MSX / NES (Famicom) / PC (Dos) / Sega Master System / Super Nintendo (SNES)
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
Cool Spot
Amiga / Atari ST / Gameboy (GB) / Genesis (Megadrive) / NES (Famicom) / PC (Dos) / Sega Master System / Super Nintendo (SNES)
Video Game
- Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
- Storytelling
- Entertainment
- Advertising
- 8-11
- 12-16
- General Public
Mick and Mack as the Global gladiators
Amiga / GameGear (GG) / Genesis (Megadrive) / Sega Master System
Video Game
- Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
- Entertainment
- Advertising
- 3-7
- 8-11
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public
Ms. Pac-Man
Apple II / Arcade / Atari 2600 / Atari 5200 / Atari 7800 / Atari 800 / Browser / Browser (HTML5) / Browser (Unity) / Commodore 64 / Commodore Vic 20 / Game Wave Family Entertainment System / Gameboy (GB) / GameGear (GG) / Genesis (Megadrive) / iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch / Lynx / NES (Famicom) / PC (Dos) / PC (Windows) / Sega Master System / Super Nintendo (SNES) / Tablet (Android) / Tablet (Windows) / TI-99/4A / Xbox 360 (X360) / ZX Spectrum
Video Game
- Subjective message broadcasting
- 12-16
- 17-25
- 25-35
- General Public
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Genesis (Megadrive) / NES (Famicom) / Sega Master System / PC (Dos) / Amiga / Apple II / Commodore 64 / Macintosh / Super Nintendo (SNES)
Video Game
- Educative message broadcasting
- 8-11
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public
Sapo Xulé: O Mestre do Kung Fu
Sega Master System
Video Game
- Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
- Entertainment
- Advertising
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public
Sapo Xulé: S.O.S. Lagoa Poluída
Sega Master System
Video Game
- Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
- Entertainment
- Advertising
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public
Sapo Xulé vs. Os Invasores do Brejo
Sega Master System
Video Game
- Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
- Entertainment
- Advertising
- 12-16
- 17-25
- General Public