Title | Year | Support | Creator | Editor | Country |
Walterre | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | IVL Studio | Image | Canada |
La pièce rose | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Illuminescence | Illuminescence | France |
Neurodyssée | 2010 | Browser | Belle-Productions | Chancellerie du Premier Ministre | Belgium |
Pas a Pas | 2010 | Ishac Bertran | Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design | Denmark | |
Hot & Cool - À la découverte du polystyrène expansé | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Marc Manuello, Géraud Soulie, Sébastien Cardona, Pierre-Jean Griscelli / ENJMIN | PSE | France |
Leaky World: a playable theory | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Molleindustria / Jesse Stiles | Molleindustria | Italy |
Devenez un célèbre espion de la guerre froide | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Mémorial de Caen | Mémorial de Caen | France |
Paris Comic Street | 2010 | iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad | La cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine / Orange | La cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine / Orange | France |
Energize | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Florida Interactive Academy (FIEA) University of Florida / The Orlando Science Center | Florida Interactive Academy (FIEA) University of Florida / The Orlando Science Center  | U.S.A. |
CityOne: A Smarter Planet game | 2010 | PC (Windows) | IBM | IBM | U.S.A. |
Houthoff Buruma the game | 2010 | Browser | Houthoff Buruma | Houthoff Buruma | Netherlands |
Financial Football | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Visa | ||
Zamzee | 2010 | HopeLab | HopeLab | U.S.A. | |
Wildfire | 2010 | PC (Windows) | By Implication | By Implication | |
The Riverbed: An Eco-Noir Mystery | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Mary Wharmby | Mary Wharmby | U.S.A. |
The Curfew | 2010 | Browser | Littleloud / Darren Garrett (Director) / Simon Parkin (Producer and Game Design | Channel4 | United Kingdom |
The Cat and the Coup | 2010 | Peter Brinson / Kurosh ValaNejad | The Advancing Scholarship for the Humanities and Social Sciences / The Game Innovation Lab at the | ||
KidKitchen | 2010 | PC (Windows) | I-Maginer | I-Maginer | France |
Evoke | 2010 | Browser | Natron Baxter | World Bank Institute | U.S.A. |
Les Harmonyculteurs | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | KTM Advance | LU | France |
Connect with Haji Kamal | 2010 | Browser | Kinection | World Warfighter | U.S.A. |
Le Tapis Rouge 2.0 | 2010 | Browser | Ellicom | Ma carrière techno / Techno compétences | Canada |
Les Frères Plugg | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Samsung Electronics France | Samsung Electronics France | France |
LabsetNoël | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | LabSET | LabSET | Belgium |
Tintin, témoin du XX° siècle | 2010 | Browser / Macintosh / PC (Windows) | Jean-marc Kiener | Jean-marc Kiener | France |
e-VITA - EAST AND WEST BLOCK | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Windows) | imaginary | Italy | |
e-VITA - TOURISM | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Windows) | imaginary | Italy | |
e-VITA - WORKING | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Windows) | imaginary | Italy | |
e-VITA - RECREATION | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Windows) | imaginary | Italy | |
AstroEngineer: Moon Rover | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Windows) | WisdomTools | U.S.A. | |
Ekoloko | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Virtual Tweens | Virtual Tweens | France |
Space-Time Quest | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) | Daniel Brown / Paul Fulda / Ludovico Carbone | gwoptics.org / University of Birmingham | United Kingdom |
Phylo | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Alex Kawrykow / Gary Roumanis / Jérôme Waldispuh / McGill University | McGill University | Canada |
Super Mario BP Oil Spill | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Mockery / The PoxBox.com | newgrounds | |
Downing Street Fighter | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | t-enterprise | t-enterprise | United Kingdom |
Dilma Adventure | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Give Me Five Entertainment Group | Give Me Five Entertainment Group | Brazil |
Mayor Munch | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | OneStop Media Group | OneStop Media Group | Canada |
Code Orange: Emergency Medical Management Training for Mass Catastrophe | 2010 | PC (Windows) | Breakaway | The Washington Hospital Center | U.S.A. |
Diversité | 2010 | PC (Windows) | DAESIGN | DAESIGN | France |
Entretien de Recadrage | 2010 | PC (Windows) | ITycom | ITycom | International |
The Mindty Ant | 2010 | Macrotellect Ltd. (www.macrotellect.com) | NeuroSky Inc | China | |
L’Expérience | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Windows) | ACTIPLAY SA | PROCTER & GAMBLE (Groupe Unilever) | France |
Rallye Place-Royale | 2010 | Browser / iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad | Musée de la civilisation et Idéeclic | Programme de culture canadienne en ligne de Patrimoine Canada | Canada |
Fromages de France | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Jeux-geographiques.com | Jeux-geographiques.com | France |
My Quit Kit & Khemia | 2010 | Hoozinga Game Media | U.S.A. | ||
Les Mystères d’Alfred | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Bell Fund | Bell Fund | Canada |
Motion Math | 2010 | iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad | Gabriel Adauto’s / Jacob Klein / ZDesign | Motion Math | U.S.A. |
SOLDIER/SEAMAN TEST | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | ACNE Production | Swedish Army Forces | Sweden |