Serious Game Classification


3444 Games

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Ces colonisateurs du corps humain 2013 Browser Ideeclic Musée Armand-Frappier Canada
Bactéries, virus et compagnie 2013 Browser (HTML5) Idéeclic Musée Armand-Frappier Canada
Actual Sunlight 2013 PC (Windows) Will O'Neill Canada
KiiiZ Tiny Music Robots 2015 iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch Joranne Reysz Joranne Reysz Canada
gramm-o-l-eau 2006 Browser (Flash) TFO TFO Canada
Gramm-o-leau 2015 Autre / PC (Windows) TFO TFO Canada
The Legend of Lotus Spring 1999 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Women Wise Dreamcatcher / Syrinx (France) Canada
J'aime les patates 2016 Macintosh / Mobile / Mobile (Android) / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) / Tablet (Android) / Tablet (Windows) Vali Fugulin, en collaboration avec minority et Ruben Farrus ONF Canada
enfants-soldats 2016 iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch / Macintosh / Mobile (Android) / Mobile (BlackBerry) / Mobile (Windows Mobile) / Mobile (Windows Phone) / PC (Windows) Etudiants de l’université de Dalhousie Initiative Enfants soldats de Roméo Dallaire Canada
Récolte rapide 0 Browser Gouvernement du Canada Gouvernement du Canada Canada
TA BOUFFE 2013 Macintosh / PC (Windows) CREO CREO Canada
Game of Homes 2016 Browser (Java) / Macintosh / PC (Windows) UQAM UQAM Canada
ERPsim 2004 Browser / Browser (HTML5) / iPad Pierre-Majorique Léger, Jacques Robert, Gilbert Babin Baton Simulations Canada
Rebuild Chile Game 2010 Browser (Flash) Chilean Videogame Developers Association Chilean Videogame Developers Association Chile
The Mindty Ant 2010 Macrotellect Ltd. ( NeuroSky Inc China
Math Man 2009 Browser (Flash) Novel Games Novel Games China
Fun with Chinese learning 2005 PC (Windows) Global Chinese Language And Culture Center Global Chinese Language And Culture Center China
Nail Household Fighting Against Demolition Squad 2010 Browser (Flash) Mirage Games China
EyeWitness 2002 PC (Windows) MIC The Honk-Kong Polytechnic University MIC The Honk-Kong Polytechnic University China
Le retour d'une mystérieuse maladie 2012 Browser (Flash) CREO CREO China
Des Images pour la Vérité 2008 PC (Windows) Amnesty International China
Tour Racing 2001 Dreamcast / GameBoy Color (GBC) / PC (Windows) / Playstation (PSX) Virtual Dream Gyeongsangbuk-Do Korea
Hanjamaru 2009 PC (Windows) NHN Games Eduflo Korea
Miyao's Math Adventure 2009 PC (Windows) Doooit Intermedia, Inc. Doooit Intermedia, Inc. Korea
Global Conflicts: Latin America 2008 PC (Windows) Serious Games Interactive (Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Nick Price & Alex Uth) Serious Games Interactive Denmark
Global Conflicts: Palestine 2007 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Serious Games Interactive (Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Nick Price & Nicholas Franics) Serious Games Interactive Denmark
Pas a Pas 2010 Ishac Bertran Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design Denmark
3rd World Farmer 2005 Browser (Flash) 3rd World Farmer Team Demand Media Entertainment Denmark
Global Conflicts: Sweatshops 2009 Browser (Flash) Serious Game Interactive Global Conflicts Denmark
Guldkorn Expressen 1991 Amiga / Commodore 64 / PC (Dos) SilverRock Productions OTA A/S Denmark
Harald Hårdtand: Kampen om de rene tænder 1992 Amiga / Commodore 64 / PC (Dos) SilverRock Productions Colgate-Palmolive A/S Denmark
Brainstorm: The Game Show 2002 PC (Windows) InterActive Vision A/S Global Star Software Ltd. Denmark
Homicide 2004 PC (Windows) Max Møller, Svend Ask Larsen, Lars Vilhelmsen, Jacob Jaskov & Anders Skovgaard-Petersen Centre for Learning Games - Learning Lab Denmark
Playing History: "Slave Trade" 2011 Browser Serious Games Interactive / New Danish Screen Serious Games Interactive Denmark
Playing History: "The Plague" 2010 PC (Windows) Serious Games Interactive / New Danish Screen Serious Games Interactive Denmark
GreenTime 2012 PC (Windows) AVANTGarde AVANTGarde Denmark
Cooking with chocolate based sauces 2007 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Daniel Burgos / Pablo Moreno-Ger / Bruno Torijano Complutense University of Madrid Spain
Cooking with chocolate based sauces (Revisited) 2008 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Daniel Burgos / Pablo Moreno-Ger / Bruno Torijano Complutense University of Madrid Spain
1492 2008 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Manuel Javier Miguel García / Roberto Tornero Santamarina / César Liras Álvarez Complutense University of Madrid Spain
Fire Protocol 2008 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Pablo Moreno-Ger Complutense University of Madrid Spain
Bamiyan Valley 2008 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Niels Drobek Complutense University of Madrid Spain
Beepertron 2006 MSX Dioniso (Alfonso D.C) Dioniso (Alfonso D.C) Spain
Lanzamiento de italianos 2006 Browser (Flash) Click Naranja Click Naranja Spain
Mad Mix 1988 Amstrad CPC / Atari ST / Commodore 64 / MSX / PC (Dos) / ZX Spectrum Topo Soft / Rafael Gómez / Roberto Potenciano Acébes -ACE- / Gominolas Topo Soft Spain
El juego de JB 2007 Browser (Flash) Copaclub JB - Espana Spain
Autos Locos 1985 Amstrad CPC Alea Alea Spain
ToneMatrix 2009 Browser (Flash) #Laboratory André Michelle #Laboratory André Michelle Spain
Replay 2011 Replay Project Consortium Spain

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