Serious Game Classification


3444 Games

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Forestia Canada Ecology - Green game
Asthme : 1, 2, 3… Respirez! Canada Asthma - Health game
GoVenture Micro Business Canada
GoVenture Entrepreneur Canada
GoVenture Personal Finance Canada
GoVenture Investment Canada
GoVenture Financial Literacy Canada
GoVenture Accounting Canada
GoVenture Stock Market Canada
GoVenture Lemonade Stand Canada
GoVenture Lemonade Stand Mobile Canada
GoVenture Any Business Canada
Brise-Buffet Canada Food - Health
Une course complètement sautée Canada
Fais de l'air Canada
À vos boyaux Canada
M.A.R.S. Métiers d'Avenir en Recherche Scientifique Canada
Une journée à l'hypermarché Canada
Science en jeu Canada
O sol mio Canada
inside disaster Canada
In Grandma's Attic Canada Arts - Educational - Math - Music - Reading writing
Jump Start: Dino Adventure - Field Trip Canada Board game - Educational - Licensed - Math - Pre-school
Quipo Quiz Canada
Mystery at the Museums Canada Educational - Geography - History - Licensed - Math - Puzzle-solving - Science - Strategy
Jouer sans se faire jouer - La première aventure des Trois Cybercochons Canada
Rock and Bach Studio Canada Educational - Level editor - Music - Simulation
Les mots du visuel Canada
Le café des MATHadores Canada
jeu du mandarin Canada Chineese - Language
Fascinantes momies d’Egypte Canada
Spot: The Cool Adventure Canada Action - Licensed
Petits détectives Canada Art - Museum - Painting
À l'assaut Canada
Escouade B Canada
Fort mc money Canada
ITSS Canada
Le Sommeil de A à Zzz Canada Sleeping
Alvir Champrobacter a disparu ! Canada Environments - Investigation - Micro-organism - Science-based
Pocheville Canada Adolescence - Alcohol - Alcohol abuse - Prevention - Society
Le studio photographique de William Notman Canada 19th century - Canada - Photography - William notman
MeteorMath Canada
SuperMaire Canada
What it is Canada
La Cité argentée Canada
Déjoue le sinistre O'Djavel Canada Liquid bleach - Microbes
De l'ADN aux protéines Canada Dna - Gene transcription - Protein

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