Title | Year | Support | Creator | Editor | Country |
Netcity | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Trois Fois Plus | Action Innocence | France |
2025 exmachina | 2010 | Browser | Tralalere | CNIL | France |
WinGineer | 2010 | Browser | Groupe ESIEA | Groupe ESIEA | France |
Ma Cyber Auto Entreprise | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Succubus Interactive | Le ministère de l'économie, de l'industrie et de l'emploi | France |
Rebuild Chile Game | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Chilean Videogame Developers Association | Chilean Videogame Developers Association | Chile |
EcoReporter : A la découverte d’Andromède | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | IRIT - Université de Toulouse III / OKTAL | SEM Constellation / Mairie de Blagnac | France |
Arguments War | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | FilamentGames | Our courts | U.S.A. |
Do I Have A Right? | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | FilamentGames | Our courts | U.S.A. |
Supreme Decision | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | FilamentGames | Our courts | U.S.A. |
Google Doodle PacMan | 2010 | Browser (Java) | U.S.A. | ||
Le Jardinier Ecolo | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | IRIT - Université de Toulouse III / OKTAL | SEM Constellation / Mairie de Blagnac | France |
Virtuo Sport Été | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Productions Soleil Rouge | Productions Soleil Rouge | Canada |
La faute à Domenech | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | alesko.eu | La Boîte à Contenus | France |
Berlusconnerie | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | uzinagaz | uzinagazf | France |
Butez la taupe ! | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Zaoza | Zaoza | France |
Element Girls: Style Your Life | 2010 | Nintendo DS | spielkind UG | dtp young entertainment GmbH & Co. KG | Germany |
Admongo | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Fleishman-Hillard / The Federal Trade Commission | Fleishman-Hillard / The Federal Trade Commission | U.S.A. |
PING: Poverty Is Not a Game | 2010 | Browser / Macintosh / PC (Windows) | Fondation Roi Baudouin / IBBT / Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian / Netword of European Foundat | Fondation Roi Baudouin / IBBT / Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian / Netword of European Foundat | International |
Flutter | 2010 | Browser | Runaway | Runaway | New Zealand |
Alcootel | 2010 | Mobile / Mobile (Windows Mobile) | MAAF | MAAF | France |
Lost in Forks | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Euro rscg 4d | Volvo | International |
8th wonderland | 2010 | Palm (OS) / PC (Dos) / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) | Mad Films | U.S.A. | |
Lekar | 2010 | iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad | IKEA | ||
Nail Household Fighting Against Demolition Squad | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Mirage Games | 4399.com | China |
Cash Cab | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Discovery Channel | Discovery Channel | U.S.A. |
Safe Passage | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Tiksop | Gisha | |
Les Méningo | 2010 | iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad | Chugulu Games et Addiction Agency | Wyeth (groupe Pfizer) | France |
Peugeot 308 GTI Challenge | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Ad-Invaders | Peugeot | France |
Me Tycoon | 2010 | PC (Dos) / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) | PLAYGEN | PLAYGEN | United Kingdom |
Trafalgar Origins | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Preloaded Ltd. | Channel Four Television Corporation | United Kingdom |
Paintball Babes | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Koko Digital Ltd. | BoysStuff.co.uk | United Kingdom |
The Back-up Plan: Love Shot | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | CBS Films | ||
STORMtrail | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | TAMBA | Blacks | United Kingdom |
Etes-vous prêt pour le 2.0 ? | 2010 | Browser | USEO | USEO | France |
A Decision of Paramount Importance | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Thomas Liu | Jennifer Ann's Group | U.S.A. |
Fleas & Desist | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | FRONTLINE Plus / Merial | FRONTLINE Plus / Merial | U.S.A. |
3D Angers | 2010 | Browser | Optishops | Mairie de le ville d'Angers | France |
People Power: The Game of Civil Resistance | 2010 | Macintosh / PC (Windows) | York Zimmerman Inc. | York Zimmerman Inc. | |
Les Lascars | 2010 | iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad | Millimages | Vega Promotion | France |
Market Rally | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Abeilles Communications / AD Invaders | NYSE Euronext | France |
Elude | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Doris C. Rusch / Rik Eberhardt / Lim Kian Hao, Eugene / Foo Kim Li / Tay In Ing / Ang | Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab | Singapore |
Symon | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Clara Fernandez Vara / Jason Beene / Justin Tan / Anuj Bheda / Davier Yoon / Kevin La | gambit.mit.edu | Singapore |
NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator | 2010 | iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad | NASA | NASA | U.S.A. |
Greenlife Office, sensibilisation aux éco-gestes du bureau | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Sysope | Sysope | France |
Greenlife Challenge | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Sysope | Mairie d'Issy-Les-Moulineaux | France |
Keep Her Awake | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Warner Bros | Warner Bros | U.S.A. |
Whiplash: Slash and Burn | 2010 | Browser | LittleLoud Studios | Marvel Studios | United Kingdom |
Unlock the tC Road Trip | 2010 | Browser (Flash) | Haley Miranda Group | Scion (Toyota) | U.S.A. |