Serious Game Classification


3444 Games

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Récolte rapide Browser
Sauve une vie : le coeur de Cathy Browser
The Uber game Browser
Monster School Bus Browser (Flash)
Geography Game Browser (Flash) Geography - Quiz - Serious game - Usa
Boum Boum Challenge Browser (Flash) Advergame - Serious game
Big Mac Sonic Browser (Flash) Action - Humour - Political - Serious game
Insurance Hunter Browser (Flash) Advergame - Serious game
The Good food fight Browser (Flash) Health - Junk food - News game - Serious game
Pumpkin-O-Meter / Halloween Candy Game Browser (Flash) Edugame - Goodies - Halloween - Serious play - Sugar
Haya Browser (Flash) Branding - Ecology - Edumarket game - Serious game
Music Match Browser (Flash) Music - Quiz - Serious game
Sensory Handicap Browser (Flash) Blindness - Handicap - Informative game - News game - Serious game
Motor Handicap Browser (Flash) Handicap - Health - Information - News game - Serious game
Mental Handicap Browser (Flash) Flash - Handicap - Health - Serious game
My Selling Skills Browser (Flash) Edugame - Edugaming - Flash - Quiz - Serious game
Technocity : Génie civil Browser (Flash) Edumarket game - Flash - Houses - Playable on line - Serious game - To build
Vivre sous la tente Browser (Flash) Camp - Edugame - Edugaming - Flash - Forest - Playable on line - Point and clic - Quiz - Serious game
L'étrange Machine / Strange Machine / Technocity : Maintenance systèmes Browser (Flash) Edumarket game - Engine - Factory - Flash - Music - Playable on line - Serious game
Blam Blam Fever Browser (Flash) Advergame - Serious game
Creepy Crossword Browser (Flash) Crossword - Serious game
Water Game Browser (Flash) Help funds - Money - Serious game
Cyber Budget Browser (Flash) Serious game
Antiwargame Browser (Flash) Serious game
Ecoville Browser (Flash) Ecology
Cisco Binary Game Browser (Flash) Math - Puzzle - Serious game
Santa's Little Helper Browser (Flash) Serious game
NewsBlaster Browser (Flash) Advergame - Serious game
The In-Synch Challenge Browser (Flash) Edugame - Edumarket game - News game - Serious game
Lumosity : Birdwatching Browser (Flash) Brain training - Cognition - Health - Serious game
Lumosity : Word Bubbles Browser (Flash) Brain training - Cognition - Serious game - Vocabulary
Free Hugs Browser (Flash) Aids - Health - Political message - Serious play
Edheads : Virtual Knee Surgery Browser (Flash) Edugame - Edugaming - Health - Knee - Serious game - Surgery
Mission Nutrition Browser (Flash) Health - Junk food - Serious game
Energyville Browser (Flash) Advergame - City - Ecology - Edumarket game - Energy - Manage - Serious game
Technocity : informatique et électronique Browser (Flash) Edumarket game - Flash - Playable on line - Robot - Serious game
La machine à caca ! Browser (Flash) Eating habits - Healthcare - Humourous - Poo - Serious play - Video toy
La pâte à son Browser (Flash) Music
Time for bed? Browser (Flash) Health - Quiz - Serious game - Sleeping
Mission e-santé Browser (Flash) Action - Edumarket game - Health - Serious game
Kabul Kaboom! Browser (Flash) Food - Hamburger - War
Inochiro Browser (Flash) Art - Creation - Graphic - Harmony - Music - Musical - Poetry - Univers - Video toy
Ben 10 Alien Force Game Creator Browser (Flash) Action - Cartoon - Game factory - Level editor - Platform - Social network
Fierce Twilight Browser (Flash) Advergame - Science fiction - Serious game - Shoot'em up - Spaceships - Star wars
Aidez Louis à réduire sa facture Browser (Flash) Advergame - Bill - Electricity - Energy - House
Enterprise Battle Browser (Flash) Economy - Edugame - Exergame - Multiplayers - Serious game - Simulation - Strategy
Brain Spa Browser (Flash) Brain training - Exergame - Logic - Puzzle game - Serious game
ST Math Browser (Flash) Edugame - Mathematics - Pinguin - Serious game

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