Serious Game Classification


3464 Games

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Eva, Serial Compacteuse Artégos
ABC Artic Computing Educational - Reading writing
Jerusalem: The Three Roads to the Holy Land Arxel Tribe Adventure - Educational - History - Puzzle-solving - Religion
Pilgrim: Faith as a Weapon Arxel Tribe Adventure - Educational - Religion
TimeScape: Journey to Pompeii Arxel Tribe (The Arxel Guild) Adventure - Educational - History
Death in Rome Ash Luecker Ltd Clue - Murder - Quest - Roma
Snow Rider 3D AshleyCummings
bitlife simulator asiankringle
MinDStorm ASK Brain fitness - Educational
chasseurs d'infos ask média pour france télévision
Coca Cola Kid Aspect Co. Action - Licensed
FutureU Aspyr Media Educational
L'Avenir de l'électricité Association des entreprises électriques suisses
Théo et les psorianautes Association France Psoriasis
Bubble Shuffle Astraware Limited Educational - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing - Strategy
Bob the Builder: Bob Builds a Park Asylum Entertainment Ltd. Educational - Licensed - Pre-school
TuxMathScrabble Asymptopia Software Exergame - Mathematics - Numbers - Training
Back to School Pak Atari Educational - Math - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing - Strategy
Math Gran Prix Atari Educational - Math - Racing
Pepsi Invaders Atari (Christopher Omarzu) Advergame - Alien - Fixed shooter - Retro serious game - Retro sg - Science fiction - Serious game - Shoot - Shoot'em up - Soda - Spaceship
Basic Math Atari (Gary Palmer) Educational - Edutainment - Mathématiques
Action Man: Arctic Adventure Atari (Infogrames Europe SA) Action - Ecology - Educational - Espionage - Fighting - Licensed - Shooter
The Bradley Trainer Atari (Rick Moncrief / Ed Rotberg) Action - Military - Serious game - Simulation - Tank
Das Thera-Med Zahnschutz-Spiel Atari Elektronik Vertriebsges, mbH / Christoph Schulte-Vennbur Avergame - Germs - Tooths
Barney: On Location: All Around Town Atari Europe S.A.S.U. Adventure - Educational - Licensed - Math - Pre-school
Loot and shoot Atmosphère pictures
D-Day Odyssey Atomic-Soom
Cogito Atreid Concept SA Board game - Math - Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Strategy
Florence : transfusion sanguine Audace e-learning Blood transfusion - Nurse - Training for nurses
Luka et les copains du Brésil Audrey Helllara - Sandie Le Balch
HighCycle Autodesk
Jabbertalky Automated Simulations Educational - Level editor - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing
Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex Avalon Hill Adult - Educational - Game show - Healthcare - Licensed - Real-time - Science
Project: Space Station Avantage Software Educational - Flight - Managerial - Science - Simulation
GreenTime AVANTGarde
Meet the Magic Avenue Digital Media
Adventure Math: Medieval Times Avery Pack / Dan Froelicb Edugame - Mathematics
AVMA Animal Hospital Video Game AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Foundation)
MatchBox Caterpillar Big Dirt Movers AWE Productions Puzzle-solving - Real-time - Simulation
AXEBUSTERS Axe / Lynx (Unilever) Advergame - Deodorant
Dirty Rolling Axe / Lynx (Unilever) Advergame - Deodorant
Winter wash 2004 Azerty & Rudowski Advergame - Serious game - Ski
Asylum 626 B-Reel / Goodby, Silverstein
Hotel 626 B-Reel / Goodby, Silverstein Advergame - Fun food - Horror - Storytelling
Coloring Series B.I.P.
Can You Stop It? B2B GAMES Arg - Contest - Devil - Mobile phone
3D Réseaux B2B GAMES et Persistant Studios

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