Serious Game Classification


3450 Games

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Mediteca Medical Clinical Sumulatot alfamultimedia
Jeux sur l'alimentation de l'Alimentarium Alimentarium
Animal Quest Alive Software AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Dinosaur Predators Alive Software AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Chanakya All India Management Association
Toddler Tantrum! All Messed Up Games MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Run Marco Allcancode
MeteorMath Allo prof MATCH : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Fin lapin Aventure Allô prof AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Les Éonautes Almédia MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Thélème Almédia (Patrick Schmoll)
Build Your Own Online Sports Betting Platform And Join The Million-dollar Industry Alphacodez
The Neverwinter Nights Learning Environment Altered Learning
Mène ton enquête AlternativReality
Bee happy Alveoo
Questionaut Amanita Design AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Quest for the rest Amanita Design
Botanicula Amanita Design MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Vex 4 Amazing Adam
Space Shuttle Amazing Media AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Wyatt Earp's Old West Amazing Media AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Wally Bear and the NO! Gang American Game Cartridges AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Budget Hero American Public Media SELECT : explanation of this brick
Darwin: Survival of the Fittest Ameritrade
3 girls 2 cans Amnesia AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick CREATE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Halo 3 Red v Blue Amnesia
battle kid Amnesty International
Investigation d’une épidémie de fièvre jaune AMP (Alphonse GUYOT / Cécile DUPERRAY)
Calcul Mental André Arasté MATCH : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Automec Andre GANDON
EyePhonespy Dogs Andrews UK Limited MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Little Bill Thinks Big Animal Joy MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
I.M. Meen Animation Magic AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Dragon Tiger Game Development - BR Softech Ankit
Dys4ia Anna Anthropy
You are blind Anna Chapman Fund
Knowledge can be your bulletproof vest Another Kind
Stuck in a Dark Place Another Kind MANAGE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Destructoid Review: Mad Dog McCree Gunslinger Pack Anthony Burch AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Iles du futur Antoine Schmoll MANAGE : explanation of this brick
2x2 AnyTech AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Math Fun APh Technological Consulting AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Word Fun APh Technological Consulting
Tamara : Combien ? Apix MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Le Boss mérite des baffes Apix MATCH : explanation of this brick RANDOM : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
The Astronomy Quiz Apogee MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
The Computer Quiz Apogee MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick

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