Serious Game Classification


3449 Games

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Toyota Auris Ice Experience Ad-Invaders
Peugeot 308 GTI Challenge Ad-Invaders
Mr bricoleur Adacto
etik table ADAKA
American Civil War: From Sumter to Appomattox Adanac Command Systems AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
50 States Addicting Games AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
C.I.T.Y. 2000 Aditus Inc. AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Pepsi NexGame II ADk Japan / TYO-ID / Grouek
Pepsi NexGame 4: Fly next jet! ADk Japan / TYO-ID / Grouek
Pepsi NexGame 3 ADk Japan / TYO-ID / Grouek
KZ Manager Adolf Hitler Software Ltd
H3 MilSim Advanced Gaming Systems Inc. AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
AMA Go Green Advanced Mobile Applications Ltd (AMA) MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Elsa & Jules : comprendre les impôts locaux Adverbia
World History Quiz (Cavemen to Democracy) AEC Software MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Moraba : The Gender Violence Game Afroes Transformational Games
inside disaster agence canadienne de developpement internationnal
La cascade Agence de l'eau Rhin-Meuse MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick
Le défi d’Hector Agence de l'eau Rhin-Meuse MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Energuy Agence de l'efficacité énergétique du Québec (AEE) MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Opération "poubelle vide" Agence De l'Environnement et de la Mapitrise de l'Energie MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Honoloko Agence Européenne pour l'Environnement (AEE) / OMS MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Defi Franc jeu Agence Mondiale Antidopage
SSII-lejeu AGSI (Aurélien Guitet)
Building Homes of Our Own aHa! Communications
Pippi Ahead Multimedia AB AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Koziołek Matołek Idzie do Szkoły Aidem Media AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Terre et Ciel Airemploi Espace Orientation
A Game of Two Continents AKQA
Vocabulaire Alain Cornu, Philippe Schweitzer
Troubadours Alain LAURENT / Paul MAURIER / Bernard DOMENGE
Tables de Multiplication Alain Texier
Jeux de Maths Alain Texier
Lecture Facile Alain Texier
Flying High Alan WALKER AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Fascinantes momies d’Egypte Alcoa
Autos Locos Alea
Alea Quiz Alea Quiz
BABADUM Aleksandra Mizielińska et Daniel Mizieliński
La faute à Domenech MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Bridge builder Alex Austin
Phylo Alex Kawrykow / Gary Roumanis / Jérôme Waldispuh / McGill University
Oxo Alexander S. Douglas MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings Alexandria AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick
That cow game Alexey Botkov
Douste Blazy Alexis Gauthier

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