Serious Game Classification


3463 Games

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Star Wars: Anakin's Speedway Star Wars: Anakin's Speedway
Lucas Learning Ltd.
Star Wars: Yoda's Challenge Star Wars: Yoda's Challenge
Lucas Learning Ltd.
The Republia Times The Republia Times
Lucas Pope
Culture Overlord Culture Overlord
Lucas Vially
Culture Overlord Culture Overlord
Lucas Vially
Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion
LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC
Lamplight Hollow Lamplight Hollow
Luciano Sgarbi
Prehistoric Peril Prehistoric Peril
Lucky Charms / General Mills
Matchbox: Emergency Patrol Matchbox: Emergency Patrol
Lucky Chicken Games
Coloriage - Les Petits Malins Coloriage - Les Petits Malins
Ludovic HAUDUC / Serge HAUDUC / Jacques HEMONIC
Peekaboom Peekaboom
Luis von Ahn, Ruoran Liu and Manuel Blum
Lumosity : Name Tag Lumosity : Name Tag
Lumos Labs
Home Safety Game Home Safety Game
LV Streetwise and LV= working in partnership with RoSPA
A Community Hero A Community Hero
Lydie Boufflers, Geneviève Donnet, Pedro de Freitas, Alex Manzoni, Sebastien Waeger
Jeux ne gaspille pas Jeux ne gaspille pas
L’ANIA, Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires
Jouez avec l’AFM Jouez avec l’AFM
L’Association Française contre les Myopathies
B.O.N.D. B.O.N.D.
l’équipe d’éducation thérapeutique ETHEFIER du CeRéMAI / Big Up
MathsGarden MathsGarden
l’Université d’Amsterdam
Alcootel Alcootel
Les domosores Les domosores
MACIF / INC / Commission de la sécurité de consommateurs / Ustensiles / Olivier Deniaud
The Mindty Ant The Mindty Ant
Macrotellect Ltd. (
Countdown Countdown
Macsen Software
Treasure Hunt Treasure Hunt
Macsen Software
Choose A Different Ending Choose A Different Ending
Mad Cow Films / The Mill
The Settlers: Smack a Thief! The Settlers: Smack a Thief!
MadCat Interactive Software GmbH
Amazing Tetris Amazing Tetris
Madivar Games
BricksFix BricksFix
Madivar Games
Computer Intro! Computer Intro!

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