Serious Game Classification


3461 Games

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Mensa Mindbenders 1996 Educational - Licensed - Math - Mental training - Puzzle-solving
Mental Handicap 2008 Flash - Handicap - Health - Serious game
Mentos: Kiss fight 2008
Mercenaries 2: World Nearly in Flames 2008 Action - Arcade - Helicopter - Shooter - Tank
Merci facteur ! 2003 Action - Advergame - Role-playing - Serious game
MesiBamba Shel Bamba 1996 Action
Metapet 2002
MetaVals 2011
MeteorMath 2014
Méthode 6C 2012
Méwilo 1987 Adventure - Detective - Mystery - History
Michelin, Super G 2007 Advergame - Ski
Michelinman Kicking Challenge 2007
Mick and Mack as the Global gladiators 1992 Action - Platform - Shooter
Mickey's Adventures in Numberland 1994 Action - Educational - Licensed - Math
Mickey's Colors & Shapes 1991 Educational - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving
Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker 1991 Educational - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Reading writing
Mickey's Jigsaw Puzzles 1991 Arts - Educational - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving
Mickey's Memory Challenge 1990 Cards - Educational - Licensed - Math - Pre-school
Mickey's Runaway Zoo 1991 Educational - Math - Pre-school - Puzzle-solving
Mickey's Safari In Letterland 1993 Action - Educational - Licensed - Pre-school - Reading writing
Mickey's Space Adventure 1984 Adventure - Educational - Licensed - Puzzle-solving - Science
Microsoft Encarta (Included game) 1993 Educational - Geography - History - Medieval fantasy - Puzzle-solving - Religion - Science - Sociology - Strategy
Mighty Math Number Heroes 1996 Educational - Game show - Math - Puzzle-solving
Mike Piazza's Strike Zone 1998 Baseball
Milk Duds Trivia Game 2002
Milka Biscuit Saga 2015
Milky Business 2001
MILLEE: Mobile and Immersive Learning for Literacy in Emerging Economies 2009 Edugame - Mobile
Millenium Auction 1994 Art - Biding - Science fiction
Millie Meter and Her Adventures in the Oak Tree 2001 Ecology - Educational - Science
Millie Meter's Nutrition Adventure 2001 Educational - Healthcare - Science
Millie's Math House 1992 Educational - Math - Pre-school
Milo the Fuel Run 1997 Action
Miloland 2012
Mind Castle 1993 Educational - Medieval fantasy - Reading writing
Mind Prober 1984 Adult - Educational - Simulation - Sociology - Zen
Mind Quiz 2006 Action - Educational - Math
Mind Quiz 2009 Action - Educational - Math
Mind Quiz: Your Brain Coach 2006 Educational
Mind'Up 2008 Edumarket game - Flash - Quiz - Serious game - Telecom
Mindhabits 2008
MinDStorm 2006 Brain fitness - Educational
Mini Babybel Edition Limitée 2007
Miniconomy 2001 Difficult to learn as i started playing without re
Minna no Golf Portable: Coca Cola Special Edition 2005 Golf - Sports
Minutemen 2009 Action - Fighting
Miracle Piano Teaching System 1990 Educational - Music - Non-

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