Serious Game Classification


3444 Games

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Logiformes Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick RANDOM : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
A La Decouverte De L'homme Amstrad CPC MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
A La Decouverte De La Terre Amstrad CPC
A La Decouverte De La Vie Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Adi Environnement 3eme Amstrad CPC
Africa Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Adi Mathematiques 3eme Amstrad CPC
Adi Francais Cm1 Amstrad CPC
Adi Francais Ce2 Amstrad CPC
Adi Environnement Cm2 Amstrad CPC
Adi Environnement Cm1 Amstrad CPC
Adi Environnement Ce2 Amstrad CPC
Adi Mathematiques Ce2 Amstrad CPC
Adi Mathematiques Cm2 Amstrad CPC
Amstrad à la Maternelle Amstrad CPC
Anatomie Amstrad CPC
Anglais Primaire Amstrad CPC MATCH : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Anglais College 6e-5e Amstrad CPC
Apprends-Moi A Compter Amstrad CPC
Au Nom De L'hermine Amstrad CPC
Automec Amstrad CPC
Autos Locos Amstrad CPC
Barre l'Intrus Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Blabla Technocratique Amstrad CPC CREATE : explanation of this brick
Calcul Amstrad CPC
Calcul Mental Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Camelemaths Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Camelemots Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Coloriage - Les Petits Malins Amstrad CPC CREATE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Monde Amstrad CPC
Animal Vegetable Mineral Amstrad CPC AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Timeman One Amstrad CPC MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Les Aventures de Pepito Au Mexique Amstrad CPC
Denver : Le jeu des sons N°1 Amstrad CPC
Vocabulaire Amstrad CPC
Balade au pays de Big-Ben Amstrad CPC
Tapper / Budweiser Amstrad CPC / Apple II / Arcade / Atari 2600 / Atari 800 / Atari XL / BBC Micro / ColecoVision / Commodore 64 / PC (Dos) / Xbox 360 (X360) / ZX Spectrum AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Les mille et un voyages Amstrad CPC / Atari ST
Mad Mix Amstrad CPC / Atari ST / Commodore 64 / MSX / PC (Dos) / ZX Spectrum AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick
Vie et Mort des Dinosaures Amstrad CPC / Atari ST / MO5 / MO6 / PC (Dos) / TO7 / TO8 / TO9 AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Aux Origines De La Vie Amstrad CPC / Atari ST / MO5 / MO6 / PC (Dos) / TO7 / TO8 / TO9 SELECT : explanation of this brick
Le SIDA et nous Amstrad CPC / Atari ST / PC (Dos) MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Troubadours Amstrad CPC / Atari ST / PC (Dos)
Granny's Garden Amstrad CPC / BBC Micro / Commodore 64 / PC (Dos) / ZX Spectrum AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Whopper Chase Amstrad CPC / Commodore 64 / MSX / ZX Spectrum AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Des Chiffres et des Lettres Amstrad CPC / Commodore 64 / PC (Dos) AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Trivial Pursuit: Young Players Edition Amstrad CPC / Commodore 64 / ZX Spectrum AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Xanagrams Amstrad CPC / Commodore 64 / ZX Spectrum AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick

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