Serious Game Classification


3371 Games

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Death in Rome 2014 Browser (Flash) Ash Luecker Ltd BBC United Kingdom
Gladiator: Dressed to Kill Game 2014 Browser (Flash) BBC BBC United Kingdom
DreamJob 2014 Keework
D-Day Odyssey 2014 iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch / Mobile (Android) Atomic-Soom MC4 / Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale France
Influent 2014 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Rob Howland Three flip studios U.S.A.
VAX 2014 Browser (Flash) / Macintosh / PC (Windows) Ellsworth Campbell Salathé Group / Penn State University U.S.A.
amiclik 2014 PC (Windows) académie Orléans Tours France
Sauvons le Louvre ! 2014 Véronique Gauvin et Florent Maurin; conception et production exécutive : The Pixel Hunt Ladybirds, France Télévisions, musée du Louvre France
Termitia 2014 PC (Windows) Science Animation Midi-Pyrénées - Tolosa - Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale Investissements d’avenir - Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche - R France
Speed Farming 2050 2014 Mobile / PC (Windows) / Tablet (Android) / Tablet (Windows) ARTE France Web Docside Production France
Théo et les psorianautes 2014 Mobile / PC (Windows) Association France Psoriasis Agence Digitale en Santé : Interaction Healthcare France
Who killed Professor Photoheim? 2014 Adobe
Les maîtres de l'eau 2014 iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch / Macintosh / Mobile / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) / Tablet (Android) / Tablet (Windows) KTM Advance KTM Advance France
A la poursuite de Routix 2014 Browser francetv éducation francetv éducation France
code fred: mode survival 2014 PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Museum of Science and Industry of Chicago, Hepful Stranger U.S.A.
Clash Back 2014 PC (Windows) Docteur Xavier POMMEREAU France
Vis ma vue 2014 Browser (Flash) / Mobile / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) CANOPE France
SkillPass 2014 Browser (Flash) / Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) ID6 / CCCP ID6 France
Jeux ne gaspille pas 2014 PC (Windows) L’ANIA, Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires France
The Underground Railroad : Journey to Freedom 2014 Macintosh / PC (Windows) National Geographic Society National Geographic Society U.S.A.
Terre et Ciel 2014 PC (Windows) Airemploi Espace Orientation France
Meludia 2014 Bastien Sannac, Vincent Chaintrier Yoann Labroux-Satabin France
Les Nouvelles Aventures de Sindbad 2014 PC (Windows) Raphaël et Alex Mucchielli Enov Formation France
Embobiné 2014 Browser (HTML5) achACT (Actions Consommateurs Travailleurs) Belgium
L.G.V. 2014 PC (Windows) Canopé-Chasseneuil Canopé-Chasseneuil France
Le héros, c'est toi ! 2014 iPad Les Petits Doudou Les Petits Doudou France
Ecosysgame 2014 Browser CAP Sciences CAP Sciences France
Time Explorer 2014 PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) studio Cegos Etat / OPCA - Transports Aquitaine International
Le secret de l'Amarante 2014 Macintosh / PC (Windows) CCCP CCCP France
To Build a Better Mousetrap 2014 Browser (Flash) molleindustria molleindustria Italy
Le jeu de la courbe de Bézier 2014 PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Mark MacKay
Jeu d’influence 2014 Macintosh / PC (Windows) The Pixel Hunt - Florent Maurin France Télévisions, Premières Lignes France
Detective Grimoire 2014 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Armor Games SFB Games U.S.A.
Le Grand Atlas 2014 Browser (HTML5) FranceTVEducation FranceTVEducation France
Humano Bio 2014 Browser / Browser (Flash) / Browser (HTML5) FraceTVEducation FraceTVEducation France
Science of Agriculture 2014 Browser (HTML5)
Le Moulin à paroles 2014 Browser (HTML5) Christelle Bozelle, Jasmina Travnjak TECFA Switzerland
Five Nights at Freddy's Scary Game 2014 Browser / Browser (HTML5) / Browser (Unity) / Game Wave Family Entertainment System / iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch / Macintosh / Mobile / Mobile (Android) / Mobile (Symbian OS) / Mobile (Windows Mobile) / Mobile (Windows Phone) / PC (Windows) / Tablet (Android) / Tablet (Windows) Scott Cawthon Foz Studio U.S.A.
Luka et les copains du Brésil 2013 iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch / Mobile / Mobile (Android) Audrey Helllara - Sandie Le Balch Webdokid U.S.A.
Sim City EDU 2013 Browser / Macintosh / PC (Windows) GlassLab Electronic Arts U.S.A.
Half The Sky Movement 2013 PC (Windows) Nicholas Kristof International
Hellopolys 2013 Browser Social Mix Media Group France Télécom SA France
J'apprends l'énergie 2013 PC (Windows) Œil pour Œil GDF Suez France
J'apprends, j'entreprends 2013 Browser (Unity) / Macintosh / PC (Windows) Interaction Games MEF France
Plan It Green : THe big switch 2013 Browser National Geographic - GE (NYSE: GE) - le Centre pour les Sciences (réseau améric National Geographic U.S.A.
Born to be alive 2013 PC (Windows) Dassault Systèmes - iLumens - Medusims Dassault Systèmes - iLumens - Medusims France
GeoDéfi 2013 Browser / Browser (HTML5) Olayia Olayia Switzerland

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