Serious Game Classification


3449 Games

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Backstage-game Id6
SkillPass ID6 AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Déjoue le sinistre O'Djavel Idéeclic MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
De l'ADN aux protéines Idéeclic MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
JeStiMulE Idées-3Com
Pluk van de Petteflet IJsfontein Interactive Media MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
MUCOPLAY ikare, exetera serious gaming et education,la cuisine aux images, akuter DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Zeppelin: Giants of the Sky Ikarion Software GmbH AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Lekar IKEA
Spymaster iList, Inc. (Twitter) MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
La pièce rose Illuminescence
Staying alive iLUMENS
Walterre Image
Yearn 2 Learn: Peanuts Image Smith AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Yearn2Learn: Master Snoopy's World Geography Image Smith MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Yearn2Learn: Peanuts Image Smith AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
iSpectrum Imaginary Srl
Think better CARE - The Virtual Tutor Imaginary Srl
CLinIC - The Virtual Tutor Imaginary Srl
ASPIS Sustainability Game Imaginary Srl
Play the News Impact Games SELECT : explanation of this brick
PeaceMaker ImpactGames AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Marketing CoPilot Imparta
Strategy CoPilot Imparta
Creating Client Value CoPilot Imparta
Pie Bill Gates Imposter AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick
Une journée au fil de l'eau Clara et Noé INC
Clara et Noé, une journée au fil de l’eau INC / ADEIC / FCPE / INDECOSA / UFCS / UNAF / UNAPEL / Lyonnaise des eaux -
Balance of the Planet Incredible Technologies AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Signifier increpare AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Opera Fatal Index / Klett Verlag
Quest Atlantis Indiana University
Skeleton chase Indiana University
Survivor? Info Scotland
Dora the Explorer: Backpack Adventure Infogrames AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
WizMo's Workshop: Dragons of Frozzbokk Infogrames MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Blue's Clues Kindergarten Infogrames Interactive MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Blue's Clues Preschool Infogrames Interactive AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Tonka Search & Rescue 2 Infogrames Interactive, inc. AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Vie et Mort des Dinosaures Infogrammes / Carraz Editions AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Crosscountry Canada Ingenuity Works MATCH : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Crosscountry USA 2 Ingenuity Works MATCH : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
enfants-soldats Initiative Enfants soldats de Roméo Dallaire
CliniSpace Innovation in Learning Inc.
Attraction INPES AVOID : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Interim Mission 3D INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité) AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Farm Defenders INSEAD / The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation / ICON Group International, Inc.
Si on jouait aux maths Inspection académique de la Mayenne

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