Serious Game Classification


3368 Games

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Nacah 2001 PC (Windows) Virtue Creations Virtue Creations U.S.A.
Ominous Horizons: A Paladin's Calling 2001 PC (Windows) N'Lightning Software Development N'Lightning Software Development U.S.A.
Playhouse Disney's: Stanley Tiger Tales 2001 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Artech Studios Disney Interactive Canada
Robinson Crusoe 2001 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Gyoza Media Tivola Verlag GmbH Germany
Rainbow Fish and the Whale 2001 Macintosh / PC (Windows) EMME Interactive SA EMME Interactive SA
Roboforge 2001 PC (Windows) Liquid Edge Entertainment Summitsoft Entertainment U.S.A.
Scan Command: Jurassic Park 2001 PC (Windows) Knowledge Adventure Knowledge Adventure U.S.A.
Shrek Game Land Activity Center 2001 PC (Windows) ImageBuilder Activision Value Publishing U.S.A.
Stalin's Dilemma 2001 PC (Windows) Ed Bever Freeware U.S.A.
Superheroes Math Challenge 2001 PC (Windows) Ohio Distinctive Software Ohio Distinctive Software U.S.A.
Vet Emergency 2001 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Legacy Interactive Inc. Legacy Interactive Inc. U.S.A.
World Dance 2001 PC (Windows) iSeeSoft iSeeSoft U.S.A.
Le petit Spirou : Ne jette pas de cailloux 2001 Browser (Flash) Julian Alvarez ( France
Expert Witness! 2001 PC (Windows) Transmedia Transmedia U.S.A.
Do The Right Thing 2001 Browser (Flash) DESQ Channel 4 Learning United Kingdom
Hamster Monogatari 64 2001 Nintendo 64 (N64) Culture Brain Culture Brain Japan
TuxMathScrabble 2001 Macintosh / PC (Linux) / PC (Windows) Asymptopia Software Asymptopia Software
Douste Blazy 2001 Browser Alexis Gauthier Douste Blazy France
Emergency Room: Code Red 2001 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Legacy Interactive Inc. Legacy Interactive Inc. U.S.A.
Blue's Clues: Blue's Big Musical 2001 Playstation (PSX) TerraGlyph Interactive Studios THQ Inc. U.S.A.
The Booster 2001 PC (Windows) Erik Geslin, Alain Brochen, Julien Gilmas ICAM / Nautilus Studio France
Jump Start: Dino Adventure - Field Trip 2001 GameBoy Color (GBC) DICE Canada Knowledge Adventure Canada
Lab Rat 2001 PC (Windows) Games Magnet Ltd. Games Magnet Ltd.
Sonny's Race for Chocolatey Taste 2001 PC (Windows) Hulabee Entertainment Inc. General Mills U.S.A.
VW Lupo Cup 2001 PC (Windows) Volkswagen
Euro-Man 2001 PC (Windows) Engine Software B.V. Xplorys BV International
Miniconomy 2001 Browser (Flash) / Macintosh / PC (Windows) / Tablet (Android) / Tablet (Windows) Wouter Tranqer Netherlands
Vigilance 2001 Browser (Flash) / CD-i Martin Le Chevallier /Yann Le Béchec /Julien Alma Martin Le Chevallier France
Trolley problem 2001 Browser (Flash) Pippin Barr Pippin Barr New Zealand
MCDonalds Monogatari 2001 GameBoy Color (GBC) Mc Donalds / TDK Mc Donalds / TDK Japan
Dessinez c'est Disney 2001 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Disney Interactive U.S.A.
Kabul Kaboom! 2002 Browser (Flash) Gonzalo Frasca Uruguay
Age of Mythology 2002 PC (Windows) Ensemble Studios Windows version: Microsoft Game Studios / Mac version: MacSoft U.S.A.
Super Bubble Pop 2002 GameBoy Advance (GBA) / GameCube (NGC) / Playstation (PSX) / Xbox Zombie Studio / Runecraft Jaleco U.S.A.
La chasse aux caries 2002 Browser (Flash) Julian Alvarez ( / Melody Pierre Fabre France
Petites Histoires de dents : Une journée avec Zoé 2002 Browser (Flash) Melody / Julian Alvarez ( Pierre Fabre France
La poubelle écologique 2002 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Julian Alvarez ( / S. Revel Editions Milan France
MaxTrax 2002 Browser DESQ / Aqua Pacific Ufi learndirect United Kingdom
Volley Blork 2002 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Julian Alvarez ( France
Flip Mobile 2002 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Julian Alvarez ( / Philippe Jalbert TF1 & Bouygues Telecom France
Jay Jay the Jet Plane: Jay Jay Earns His Wings 2002 Macintosh / PC (Windows) Brighter Child Interactive Learning Company U.S.A.
The Food Detectives Fight BAC! 2002 Browser (Flash) New Mexico State University New Mexico State University U.S.A.
Get Up and Go 2002 Browser (Flash) YaYa Chrysler U.S.A.
Jeep Game Zone 2002 PC (Windows) Terminal Reality Chrysler U.S.A.
Dodge Midnight Racers 2002 Browser Chrysler
Suzuki Motocross Challenge 2002 Mobile (BREW) Thumbworks Suzuki U.S.A.
Ice Breakers Air Hockey Game 2002 Browser Hershey
Milk Duds Trivia Game 2002 Browser Hershey

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