Serious Game Classification


3444 Games

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Tennis for two Video Game
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Scientific Research
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • General Public
The Redistricting Game Video Game
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Subjective message broadcasting
  • Culture & Art
  • Politics
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • General Public
  • Students
Navy Electronic Warfare Simulator Video Game
  • Training
  • Military & Defence
  • 17-25
  • Students
Surviving the Spanish Inquisition Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Education
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • Students
Dinosaur Discovery Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • 3-7
  • 8-11
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • General Public
Net Attack Video Game
  • Scientific Research
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
Darwin: Survival of the Fittest Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Corporate
  • Advertising
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • 60+
  • General Public
Défi Ingénieurs Video Game
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Goods trading
  • State & Governement
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • Professionals
  • Students
Pas a Pas Video Toy
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Education
  • Scientific Research
  • 3-7
  • Students
Fare Game Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Education
  • Scientific Research
  • 17-25
  • Students
Zamzee Video Game
  • Training
  • Healthcare
  • 8-11
  • 12-16
  • General Public
The Cat and the Coup Video Game
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Education
  • Culture & Art
  • Politics
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • General Public
  • Students
Hospital Waste Disposal Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Healthcare
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • Professionals
Penguin Jump Multiplication Video Game
  • Training
  • Education
  • 3-7
  • 8-11
Undercover UXO Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Humanitarian & Caritative
  • 3-7
  • 8-11
  • 12-16
Facteur Academy Video Game
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Goods trading
  • State & Governement
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • Professionals
The Mindty Ant Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • 8-11
  • 12-16
  • General Public
  • Students
My Quit Kit & Khemia Video Game
  • Training
  • Healthcare
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • General Public
Primaires à gauche Video Game
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Politics
  • Media
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • General Public
Replay Video Game
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Healthcare
  • 8-11
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • Students
Marketing 101 - The Principles of Marketing Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Education
  • 12-16
  • Students
HAS Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • State & Governement
  • Healthcare
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • Professionals
Cathode Ray Tube Amusement device Video Game
  • Scientific Research
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • 60+
  • Professionals
Sauvez des vies Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Storytelling
  • Healthcare
emergency birth Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Healthcare
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • 60+
Simuland : jeu de simulation d'entreprise Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • Corporate
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • 60+
  • General Public
  • Professionals
  • Students
Granulats Game Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Corporate
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • Professionals
Le jeu du tri Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Ecology
Interactive trauma trainer Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Goods trading
  • Healthcare
Way Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Education
  • Scientific Research
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • Students
Sematic Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Goods trading
  • Healthcare
  • 3-7
  • 8-11
  • Students
Art Splash Video Toy
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Entertainment
  • Advertising
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • General Public
Popeye no Eigo Asobi Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • 8-11
  • 12-16
  • General Public
Speaky Planet Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Storytelling
  • Education
  • 3-7
A walk in the forest Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Ecology
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
Dans la peau d'un producteur de café Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Education
  • Ecology
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • General Public
  • Students
Le café des MATHadores Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Education
  • 3-7
  • 8-11
Embarquement immédiat - Gestion des RH Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Education
  • Corporate
  • 35-60
  • Professionals
  • Students
L'Avenir de l'électricité Video Game
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Ecology
  • General Public
  • Educative message broadcasting
  • Training
  • Education
  • Corporate
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • Students
Toxi Tabac Video Game
  • Healthcare
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
  • General Public
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Healthcare
  • 8-11
  • 12-16
Master Brasseur Video Game
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Corporate
  • Media
  • General Public
battle kid Video Game
  • Informative message broadcasting
  • State & Governement
  • Humanitarian & Caritative
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • 35-60
  • 60+
Pleasurehunt 2, Magnum Video Game
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Media
  • Advertising
  • General Public
Jobs à tous les étages Video Game
  • Education
  • 12-16
  • 17-25
Êtes-vous prêts pour le 2.0 Video Game
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Corporate
  • Professionals
Clever Dick Video Game
  • Marketing & Communication message broadcasting
  • Entertainment
  • Advertising
  • 17-25
  • 25-35
  • General Public

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