Noddy: Detective for a Day is divided into two areas: Learning Adventure and Learning Zone. Learning Adventure puts you into a mission while the Learning Zone has games targeted on developing specific skills.
Learning Adventure: At a sunny day in Toy Town, Noddy climbs in his car and goes on an adventure. Big-Ears? Magic Spell: Observation, Beginning Letter Sounds, Animal Roundup: Size Sorting, Colors, Counting, Town Square Tidy: Problem Solving, Into Dark Woods: Classification, Hand/Eye Co-ordination, Following Directions, Shopkeeper: Observation, Hand/Eye Co-ordination, Pick A Parcel: Shape/Color Matching, Guess the Gift: Beginning Letters, Foreign Language, Sorting Shapes: Shapes, Foreign Language.
Learning Zone: Sort the Boxes: Letter/Number Ordering, Language Snap!: Foreign Language, Matching, Mail Mischief: Logic, Writing Skill.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : V.Smile