Serious Game Classification


3432 Games

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Soldats inconnus : au coeur de la grande guerre UBISOFT
Planet Rescue: Ocean Patrol Ubisoft
Alex à la ferme : Playmobil UBISOFT CREATE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
The Adventures of Valdo & Marie Ubi Soft Entertainment Software AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Deep Fighter Ubi Soft Entertainment Software AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Amazing Learning Games With Rayman Ubi Soft Entertainment
Girls Of Blazing Angels Ubi Soft AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Scratch My Car Ubi Soft
Navy Training Execice (NTE): Strike & Retrieve U.S. Navy AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings U.S. Gold Ltd. AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick
Scrabble U.S. Gold Ltd. AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Word Zapper U.S. Games AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick
Marine Doom U.S. Army AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Army Influence Trainer U.S. Army
America's Army U.S. Army AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Koach Tzabar 2 Tzabar AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Type Racer Type Racer
SimPort Tygron, Port of Rotterdam, TU Delft
IndustryMasters Tycoon Systems AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
The Simpsons Movie: Wrecking Ball Twentieth Century Fox AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick
Tv trip Tv trip
Triage Trainer TruSim
Sin City Games Trouble Maker studios
The In-Synch Challenge Travellers MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Touristo Travel Game
KetnetKick Transposia MATCH : explanation of this brick CREATE : explanation of this brick MANAGE : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick WRITE : explanation of this brick
Campagne Journée de l'Air Pur : le jeu Transport Québec MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Classic Objection! Transmedia
Civil Objection! AutoNeg Transmedia
Civil Objection! SlipFall Transmedia
Expert Witness! Transmedia
SivPro! Transmedia
Miniconomy Tranqer
2020 Energy TRALALERE MANAGE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
L'Isoloir Tralalere
Vinz et Lou se mettent au courant Tralalere
GleamCode Tralalere
GameCode Tralalere
DataDecode Tralalere
Infiniteam TPLD
The Winning Game TPLD
Eduteams TPLD
Yaris vs Yaris Toyota Motor Sales
Book Of Little Deviants Toyota - US
Yaris Toyota AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick DESTROY : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SHOOT : explanation of this brick
Toyota Auris ice Experience 2 Toyota AVOID : explanation of this brick MATCH : explanation of this brick MOVE : explanation of this brick SELECT : explanation of this brick
Toyota Auris Ice Experience Toyota
IQ Virtual Test Drive Toyota

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